International Citizens’ Dialogues

Tomorrow, our lives with
driverless mobility

Driverless mobility is anticipated to be a revolution – not only on a technological level, but also on economic and social ones. But while both public and private stakeholders are preparing the future of mobility, one collective voice remains unheard: the citizens’. Yet, their input is becoming increasingly essential for the creation of trust in our countries. How can this be changed?

Let’s invite CITIZENS

With a team of partners, Missions Publiques ran the first of two phases of an international and local citizens’ dialogue process. In 2018, an exploratory phase took place in five French cities and two US cities. In 2019, seventeen territories in nine countries in Europe, North America, and Asia hosted a second round of deliberations focused on scenario building, trust, and policy.

Building on these successes, we are launching the 3rd phase of the dialogues in 2020 and 2021, engaging lay citizens in Europe, North and South America, Oceania, Asia and Africa.


A citizens’ dialogue – How does that work?

More on the method

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